International & Sectoral Analysis- Our forecasting technique models the impacts of sectoral developments in a domestic economy and in the economies of its trading partners. These are applied to individual types of traffic to take account of the specific relationship each component of trade has with individual sectors of the economy. This approach is distinct from more generic forecasting techniques, which in the case of container traffic are based solely on aggregate GDP growth rates. Different structures are used when dealing with commodity exports such as crude oil and oil products, iron ore, grain, etc.
Changing Relationships - Our model identifies and appraises the impact of past structural shocks to, or trends in, the relationship between economic drivers and traffic; experience shows that such events can reversibly or even permanently alter the dynamics involved. This ensures the model accommodates changes in behaviour.
Tailoring - Desk and industry research is carried out to identify any influencing factors which are new, permanent or one-off elements of the drivers that determine traffic volumes or special features, such as port infrastructure or regulatory changes, that will have had an impact so that the forecasting model generated from estimation is not distorted by such changes.
Our model has been developed over a 20 year period and has been successfully used in a wide range of port development projects worldwide. Each of our team of experts have been involved in economic forecasting and project evaluation for over 25 years.
For a more detailed description of our forecasting methodology - click here.